Free Resources

Are you ready for a better life? Have you always dreamed that you could have done much more with your life? You knew you were meant for bigger and better things, but you simply did not know how to bring that dream to life? It’s not your fault; no one ever taught you the power of designing a plan for your life and then how to execute it. 
Hey, I’m Ashley, and I LOVE helping people figure out what it is they truly want in life and then teaching them practical steps to take their vision from being a dream to their reality.
If you’re ready to stop making excuses, take responsibility for your life, and earn the life you deserve, you have come to the right spot! 

Below are FREE downloadable Resources to begin your journey.

Relationship Reading List

11 books we are reading now to help with healthy relationship and partner manifestation! 

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30 Day Habit Tracker

What do you want to change next? 30 days to a new and improved you!

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Miracle Morning List

They say the best way to measure the likelihood of a person's success is by the quality of their morning routine. Once you own your morning, you will own your life.

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The Vitamin List

Health is our greatest wealth. In the game of life, our greatest asset is ourselves. We must keep ourselves healthy in order to win.

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Preview The Heart Wall Guide

Preview includes Love Affirmations extracted from the 11 pages of affirmations included in the Kit! 

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Want more?

You might be like one of my latest releases as I build even more manifestation resources to you! 

Learn More About The Partner List

Spotify playlists

Songs About

Accomplishing Goals

Playlist - Goal Chaser

Description: Goal Chaser Playlist - Words Matter - Everything we hear, speak or write is translating into instructions for our subconscious mind. Goal Chaser is a playlist of songs carefully selecting to help you accomplish your goals! All of the songs lyrics are that of success and achievement of goals. Enjoy!

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Songs For Manifestation

Playlist - Vision Board

Description: The perfect playlist to manifest your vision board into reality. Remember, words matter. Listen to songs that have the words that are building the life you want. For what we hear translated into instructions for our subconsious mind. Be mindful of the songs you consume. Enjoy!

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Let's Connect

Let's stay in touch and be friends. Watch me as I keep hitting my goals while teaching others from my online courses on how I mastered my health and exceeded all of my wealth goals with simple practical steps and tools.